Itinarary editing 2.0.

The editing functionality in the flight folder has been fundamentally redesigned to best meet your needs. Operators can now edit all flight details. Simply click on the “edit” button next to the flight and modify the flight.


Enhanced flight organization

Operators now have full control of the flight route and can make adjustments  at any time. Calculate the duration of your legs or let VOO calculate them. For automatic calculation, operators only need to enter airports and departure or arrival time.

By clicking on the “add new leg” button, you can easily add additional stops for refueling or technical purposes. The times for these stops can again be edited manually by you or VOO.

UI Handling flight folder Product Updates - editing legs in flightfolder

Automatic price adjustments

Once an operator has made the necessary changes to a flight, he simply needs to click on the “apply” button and the price in the flight folder will be updated automatically. This process can be repeated at any time. These enhancements aim to streamline the leg editing process, making it more efficient and user-friendly.


In summary

The editing functionality in the flight folder has been fundamentally redesigned, allowing operators to edit all leg details within the input form by simply clicking the “edit” button next to the leg. Operators now have full control over the flight route, they can make adjustments at any time, add additional stops, and use automatic time calculation with automatic price adjustments, when they click the “apply” button.