VOO is the first digital B2B marketplace to search, book, pay and manage all your private jet flights on just ONE PLATFORM. VOO provides multiple interfaces and tells you everything you need to know: aircraft availabilities and charter prices, aircraft equipment, relevant route information and of course: possible alternatives.

VOO´s advanced technology and algorithms will get you attractive charter prices no experienced sales manager could top.
Use our advanced filters to find the best deals.
Experience VOO´s smart data transfer: Instant centralized communication, instead of endless e-mails and phone calls.
With VOO, “take off” and “landing” of a booking are just a few clicks away. Our state-of-the-art technology guarantees maximum speed and high secure data transfer.
Dead requests and reservations?
Things of the past!
Now there is only firm bookings – or nothing at all.
VOO prepays the flight for the operator and grants the broker a payment period to repay costs. Thanks to VOOpay, your flights are secured and guaranteed.
Choose a payment option: VOOpay Standard or VOOpay Premium*.
Feel secure with our transparent, traceable and safe financial transactions.
Manage your aircraft or flight: exchange passenger or crew information, request catering handle permissions and much more.
Keep track of what´s happening: broker and operator can see each other´s status and flight info and even what the other is doing.
Every second. LIVE!
*COMING SOON. These products/features are being finalized and will be available to VOOusers in the next few months.
With VOO, both broker and operator are on the safe side: The flights are guaranteed. The payment, too. Requests and nonspecific reservations? Things of the past! Now there is only firm bookings – or nothing at all.

The BROKER — what’s new for you?
With VOO, your everyday processes will be much faster and far more efficient. VOO offers you fair, fixed and comparable prices for each jet listed on the platform. Thanks to VOO, you will have more time at your disposal for marketing and sales and, most importantly, to devote to your clients.
VOO prepays your flight on your behalf and grants you a payment period to repay costs. Thanks to VOOpay, your flight is guaranteed.
There is only ONE digital marketplace for your entire chartering business.

The OPERATOR — what’s new for you?
With VOO, you will have no more dead requests and far more firm bookings. VOO guarantees you a first-class presence on the platform. Your aircraft utilization will improve and your turnover grow, your costs will sink and your margins will rise.
VOO prepays your flight on behalf of the broker and assumes the risk of non-payment. Thanks to VOOpay, your payment is secured.
There is only ONE digital marketplace for your entire fleet.